August 18, 1999
More Rush and Other Good Stuff

I didn’t finish my entry from Sunday because there was really nothing more to say at the end of the day. My life hasn’t been too exciting since I got back to Gainesville, but Rush has started now and I have a few things to mention. Round one ended last night and I couldn’t be happier. The first eighteen parties of Rush are definitely the worst because you spend the entire half-hour talking to the rushee about basic sorority business. If you are lucky enough to pick up a girl that you have a good conversation with then the party seems like a breeze. On Monday I was lucky enough to talk with several girls that were very talkative and interested. Of course I got a few that were boring and rude, but that happens to everyone. Yesterday wasn’t as fun as Monday because none one the rushees I talked with were exceptionally cool.

On Monday I met the girl I want to be my new little sister! Her name is Katie Greenway and she is awesome. Usually the rushee will have one or two good questions to ask, but Katie had everything together and she asked specifically about finances, sisterhood, and time commitments. We had the best conversation. When she found out that my major is aerospace engineering she told me that her cousin works at NASA and she would get me a recommendation if I wanted one. How cool is that? She had just met me when she told me to look up her number later and call if I wanted a professional recommendation! I will be severely crushed if Katie doesn’t end up coming to Alpha Chi Omega. There were several other girls that I really would like to have as my sisters, but Katie was the best and she certainly belongs here at this chapter.

Stuart and I had our four-month anniversary on Monday night. It has been four months since the formal – our first date. I have often wondered if he would have ever asked me out if I hadn’t done it first. The funny thing is that I wanted to ask him out before the formal but I couldn’t get up the nerve. Having a date function in April gave me a good reason to ask him out and not be too devastated if he said no. (Actually, he did say no at first, but it was because he had other plans. Those plans got broken so be could be my date and that was the beginning of our relationship.) Anyway, on Monday Stu brought me flowers when we were done with the Rush parties and Rush chapter. What a wonderful guy! How many times have I said that? Not enough times I think. I am a lucky girl. I didn't do anything special for him for our anniversary and I feel kind of bad about that. I was so busy with Rush on Monday that I couldn't think about much else. When I did remember what day it was there was no time for me to even email Stu! Sorry about that, baby, you know I care about you.

I wish I had time to write more, but it is almost time for Round two of Rush to start. I won’t have time to write more tonight because I know we will get out of Rush chapter late and I will want to go to bed. Please come back again soon to read about the rest of Rush. As soon as it is over I will be happy.