February 21, 2000
Schedule of Events

It’s funny that even though I have been very busy lately I have found the time and energy to keep up with my diary entries. Maybe I have a lot to write about because I have been occupied, but no matter what the reason I am glad it has happened. This week is going to be crazy. I don’t think you’ll be hearing from me again until the weekend unless something amazing happens so I thought I would post my schedule of events for the week so you know what I will be doing.

Monday: Astrodynamics exam (3rd period – 9:35 AM), informal sorority chapter meeting (after dinner), the beginning of Greek Week activities
Tuesday: Beginning of the Engineering Fair, sitting at the AIAA table during 6th period (12:50-1:40 PM)
Wednesday: Astrodynamics take-home portion of our exam due in class (3rd period), sitting at the AIAA E-Fair table 6th and 7th periods (12:50-2:45 PM), Pratt-Whitney info session (6 PM), MY DAD’S BIRTHDAY!
Thursday: Only my circuits lab periods 6-8 (so far)
Friday: AIAA trip to the Kennedy Space Center (probably leaving around 6 AM), Stu’s party

I should be kept well enough busy this week. I am exhausted now that the day is almost over. The astrodynamics test this morning didn’t go too badly. I studied last night with Stu, Danny, David, and Thomas and I felt pretty prepared after that. Now I have to work on the take-home portion that is due Wednesday morning and that is going to be the killer part. Spring Break just isn’t coming fast enough.